[For the latest travel information between Singapore and Vietnam, please visit the following websites instead: https://www.ica.gov.sg/enter-transit-depart and/or https://www.mfa.gov.sg/countries-regions/v/viet-nam/travel-page] From 31 March 2022, 2359 hours, Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL) flights and the requirement for Vaccinated Travel Passes (VTP) will be removed. All fully-vaccinated travellers and non-fully vaccinated children aged 12 and below will be allowed to enter Singapore without entry approvals. These travellers will be required to take a pre-departure PCR test or professionally-administered ART within 2 days before departure for Singapore, but will no longer need to serve a Stay-Home-Notice or take an unsupervised ART after arrival in Singapore. Travellers should also submit the SG Arrival Card electronically no earlier than 3 days prior to the date of arrival in Singapore. Certain groups of non-fully vaccinated travellers aged 13 and above will be allowed to enter Singapore. They will be required to (i) take a pre-departure PCR test or professionally-administered ART within 2 days before departure for Singapore, (ii) undergo a 7-day Stay-Home-Notice and (iii) take a PCR test at the end of their Stay-Home-Notice period. Do note that travellers holding passports or travel documents issued by visa-required countries/regions must still apply for an entry visa to enter Singapore. For more information on travel between Singapore and Vietnam, please visit https://www.mfa.gov.sg/countries-regions/v/viet-nam/travel-page and/or https://www.ica.gov.sg/enter-transit-depart.