MFA Press Statement: Condolence message from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Donald Tusk

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written to Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Donald Tusk to convey his condolences on the passing of former Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland Tadeusz Mazowiecki on 28 October 2013. The text of Prime Minister Lee’s letter to Prime Minister Tusk is attached.
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29 OCTOBER 2013
29 October 2013

Dear Prime Minister Tusk,

On behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, I offer our condolences on the passing of former Polish Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki.

Mr Mazowiecki transformed Poland after the fall of communism. He was a chief architect of the Round Table talks to ensure Poland’s peaceful transition to democracy. He implemented reforms to introduce a market-based economy, and laid the foundation for Poland’s economic transformation. He firmly believed in a united Europe, and pushed for Poland to join the European Union. He inspired many with his dedication to Poland and to his people.

Our thoughts are with you and the Polish people during this time of mourning.

Yours sincerely


His Excellency Donald Tusk
Prime Minister
Republic of Poland

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