In conjunction with Singapore’s move towards Phase One (“Safe Re-opening”) of the post-Circuit Breaker period, Singapore has explored the piloting of fast lane arrangements with a few other countries and regions. This is part of Singapore’s gradual reopening of our borders for Singaporeans and residents to conduct essential activities overseas and to allow safe travel for foreigners entering Singapore in limited numbers, with the necessary safeguards in place to ensure public health considerations are addressed.
2 Singapore and China have agreed to create a fast lane to facilitate essential business and official travel between both countries. The fast lane will be established between six Chinese provinces and municipalities (Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Tianjin and Zhejiang) and Singapore. The scheme is open to residents in Singapore and China who need to make essential business or official trips between the two countries. The arrangement will be gradually expanded to other Chinese provinces and municipalities.
3 For inbound travel to Singapore, business or official travellers sponsored by government agencies may submit applications through their respective sponsors from 8 June 2020. Applications for company-sponsored travellers can be submitted in a later phase.
4 An overview of the key arrangements for fast lane travellers is at Annex.
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3 JUNE 2020
1 Residents in Singapore seeking to make essential travel to China via the fast lane must be sponsored by either a company or a government agency in China, which will file an application on behalf of the applicant with the local provincial or municipal authorities.[1] If the application is approved, an invitation will be issued to the applicant. The approved applicant will thereafter apply for a visa from the PRC Embassy in Singapore, as well as submit a health declaration to the Chinese authorities.
2 Residents in China seeking to make essential travel to Singapore via the fast lane must be sponsored by either a company or a Singapore Government agency, which will file an application on behalf of the applicant for a SafeTravel Pass. When the SafeTravel Pass application is approved, an approval letter will be issued to the applicant, as well as the sponsoring company or government agency. With this letter, an approved applicant who is a visa-required passport holder will proceed to apply for a visa for travel to Singapore through the usual channels. If the applicant already has an existing valid visa, the visa suspension will be lifted when the SafeTravel Pass is approved, and he or she need not apply for a new visa. The applicant can check his/her visa status through
Pre-Departure Health Measures
3 Approved applicants travelling from either country must monitor their health status before departure, take a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test within 48 hours before departure and obtain a certificate of having tested negative for COVID-19. Users of the fast lane between China and Singapore will bear the cost of the pre-departure PCR test. In addition, applicants travelling from China to Singapore must have remained in any of the sending Chinese fast lane regions for the last seven days prior to departure for Singapore. The applicant is required to produce a valid SafeTravel Pass, a negative PCR test result, a return air ticket and a valid visa (for visa-required passport holders) for pre-boarding checks. Otherwise, the applicant can be refused boarding.
Post-Arrival Health Measures
4 An approved applicant travelling from Singapore to China will undergo a PCR test and serology test after arrival in China at his/her own cost, and remain in locations designated by the local provincial or municipal government for one to two days until the test result is released. If the result indicates that the traveller has tested negative for COVID-19, the host company or government agency will transport the traveller directly from the above-mentioned locations designated by the local provincial/municipal government to the workplace or residence.[2] If tested positive for COVID-19, the traveller will undergo medical treatment in China at the traveller’s cost. Travellers must use China’s local Health QR code for the duration of their stay in China.
5 An approved applicant travelling from China to Singapore will undergo a PCR test after arrival in Singapore. The applicant is also required to produce a valid SafeTravel Pass and a negative PCR test result (i.e., the result of the test done prior to departure from China) to arrival immigration. The applicant will otherwise be denied entry. Upon entry into Singapore, the applicant must remain in isolation at a self-sourced declared accommodation (non-residential address only) for one to two days until the test result is known. The host company or government agency will transport the traveller directly from the airport to the declared self-sourced accommodation, adhering to prevailing health measures. Travellers will bear the costs of the post-arrival PCR test in Singapore and stay in the declared accommodation. If the result indicates that the traveller has tested negative for COVID-19, the host company or government agency will ensure that the traveller is transported directly from the declared accommodation to the workplace, and back. If tested positive for COVID-19, the traveller will undergo medical treatment at his/her cost. The host company or government agency shall ensure that the travellers to Singapore use the TraceTogether app for the duration of their stay. If a traveller does not have a TraceTogether-compatible device, the host company or government agency should provide one to the traveller.
Controlled Itinerary
6 Besides abiding by the prevailing public health measures of the receiving country/region, travellers must adhere to a controlled itinerary that is supervised by the host company or government agency for the first 14 days. The traveller may not use public transportation for this purpose, with the exception of private hire cars/taxis or cohorted company transport.
7 For travellers from Singapore who need to travel between the fast lane regions in China within the first 14 days upon arrival, they shall, through the host company or government agency, obtain in advance the approval of the provincial/municipal government of the next destination. The traveller from Singapore will only be allowed to travel outside the six fast lane regions after staying in the fast lane region(s) for 14 days, and should adhere to prevailing measures in China.
8 Singapore Citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-Term Pass holders returning to Singapore from China must monitor their health and comply with the prevailing health measures. To facilitate their arrival immigration clearance, they must show a copy of the invitation letter issued by the government authority in China.
9 More details on the application process and requirements of the Singapore-China Fast Lane can be found at
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[1] The term “sponsor” refers to the company or government agency making the application on behalf of the traveller.
[2]The term “host” refers to the company or government agency that receives the traveller in the destination country.
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