Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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26 Mar 2001, 00:00

Speech by Dr Tony Tan, DPM and Min for Defence of the Rep of Singapore at the Canterbury Employers' Chamber Of Commerce Luncheon in Christchurch, New Zealand on 26 March 2001

Your Worship The Mayor, Mr Garry Moore Members of Parliament, Councillors, Mr Doug Marsh Chairman of the Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, Good aft...

14 Dec 2000, 00:00

MFA Press Release - PM's Congratulatory Letter to Governor George W Bush

MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS 14 DECEMBER 2000 _________________________________________________________ 14 December 2000 The Honourable George W Bush Governor of Texas State Capitol PO Box 12428 Austin...

25 Nov 2000, 00:00

Transcript of remarks by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong to the media on the discussions at the 4th ASEAN Informal Summit, 24 Nov 2000

The theme of the Summit is ASEAN integration and solidarity. So we discussed several measures to ensure that ASEAN will function more as a united whole. This is not to suggest that ASEAN is not united...

20 Nov 2000, 00:00

Address by Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew to the Asia Society Australasia Centre Annual Dinner on 20 November 2000 (9.00pm), Sydney: East Asia and the Pacific in C21

A view from Singapore As a small country whose destiny is determined as much by the external events as by internal policies, Singapore has become acutely sensitive to future trends in the East Asia...

18 Nov 2000, 00:00

Speech by Minister for Foreign Affairs to Los Angeles World Affairs Council and the Asia Society Southern California Center

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASEAN AT THIRTY : ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CHALLENGES 1 I am greatly honoured to address the Los Angeles World Affairs Council a...

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