Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 261 - 265 of 571

25 Oct 2017, 00:00 Transcripts

Transcript of PM Lee Hsien Loong's Speech and Dialogue at the Council on Foreign Relations on 25 October 2017. The dialogue was moderated by New Yorker Staff Writer, Evan Osnos.

Source:   Opening Remarks by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong   Very glad to be back here in Washington a...

25 Oct 2017, 00:00 Outcome Documents United States

Joint Statement by the Republic of Singapore and the United States of America

Source: PMO President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump hosted Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore Lee Hsien Loong at the White House yesterday. They affirmed the strong and endu...

23 Oct 2017, 00:00 Transcripts United States

Transcript of Economic Club of Washington DC Interview with PM Lee Hsien Loong

Source: PM Lee Hsien Loong was interviewed by Mr David Rubenstein, President of the Economic Club of Washington ...

23 Oct 2017, 00:00 Transcripts United States

Transcript of PM Lee Hsien Loong’s remarks at the Working Lunch with US President Donald Trump

Source: PM Lee Hsien Loong | 23 October 2017 | Washington D.C. Part of : Official Working Visit by PM Lee Hsie...

23 Oct 2017, 00:00 Transcripts United States

Transcript of Remarks by PM Lee Hsien Loong and US President Donald Trump at the Joint Press Conference PM Lee Hsien Loong | 23 October 2017 | Washington D.C. Part of : Official Working Visit by PM Lee...

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