Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 276 - 280 of 571

15 Jul 2017, 00:00 Transcripts China

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's dialogue at the Business China 10th Anniversary-Business China Awards and Closing Gala Dinner 2017 at Shangri-La Hotel on 14 July 2017

Source:  Q: I am sure when I say this on behalf of everybody here and that is wh...

14 Jul 2017, 00:00 Transcripts China

Transcript of DPM Teo Chee Hean’s Speech at the Business China FutureChina Global Forum, “Enhancing the Potential of the Belt and Road Initiative”, 13 July 2017

Source: Mr Chen De Ming, President of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits, Minister Josep...

12 Jul 2017, 00:00 Transcripts United States

MFA Press Release: Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States Mr Ashok Kumar Mirpuri's response to the New York Times article “Dispute Over Singapore Founder’s House Becomes a National Crisis” (4 July 2017)

Singapore’s Ambassador to the United States Mr Ashok Kumar Mirpuri wrote to the New York Times in response to the article “Dispute Over Singapore Founder’s House Becomes a National Crisis” published ...

11 Jul 2017, 00:00 Transcripts Germany

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's Media Wrap Up in Munich, Germany

Source: Q: PM, can you give us your assessment of the G20 Summit and how it went? Including the bilateral meetings that we...

30 Jun 2017, 00:00 Spokesperson's Comments United States

MFA Spokesman's Comments on PM Lee Hsien Loong's Meeting with the US President Donald Trump at the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany

    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong will be meeting President of the United States Donald Trump on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany. This will be the first time the two leaders are m...

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