Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 5891 - 5895 of 7312

28 May 2008, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: The Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between the Republic of Singapore and the Syrian Arab Republic

The Government of the Republic of Singapore and the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic, have established diplomatic relations with effect from 28 May 2008. . . . . . MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS SI...

25 May 2008, 08:00

Transcript Of Door-stop Interview with Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo and Malaysian Foreign Minister, Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim on 25 May 2008, Sedona Hotel, Yangon

Minister Yeo: I congratulated Minister Rais on Malaysia being awarded Middle Rocks by the ICJ. He congratulated Singapore on being awarded Pedra Branca on Friday. Our officials will now sit down in th...

25 May 2008, 00:00

Statement delivered by Singapore’s Ambassador to Myanmar Robert Chua at the Pledging Session of the ASEAN-UN International Pledging Conference on Sunday 25 May 2008 in Yangon, Myanmar

Distinguished delegates, 1 The international community has responded with speed and incredible generosity to the recent natural disaster in Myanmar. Countries, big and small, have pledged large am...

25 May 2008, 00:00

Transcript of Doorstop Interview with Minister George Yeo and Malaysian Foreign Minister, Datuk Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim on 25 May 2008 at 1040 hrs (Myanmar time) at Sedona Hotel, Yangon

Minister Yeo: I congratulated Minister Rais on Malaysia being awarded Middle Rocks by the ICJ. He congratulated Singapore on being awarded Pedra Branca on Friday. Our officials will now sit down in th...

23 May 2008, 08:00

Comments by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the ICJ Judgment

1. I am pleased with the result. We fully accept the judgment of the ICJ. I am glad that Malaysia has also consistently said that it will accept the ICJ judgment. This is a good way for us to resolve ...

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