Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 6381 - 6385 of 7272

15 Mar 2007, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo's Meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda in Nuremberg, Germany, 15 March 2007

At the sidelines of the 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in Nuremberg, Germany, Foreign Minister George Yeo had a short meeting with Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda. On joint negot...

15 Mar 2007, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo's Visit to Nuremberg,Germany, 14 March 2007

At the margins of the 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in Nuremberg, Germany, Foreign Minister George Yeo met the Foreign Minister of Germany, Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Foreign Minist...

14 Mar 2007, 00:00

Speech by George Yeo, Minister for Foreign Affairs, at the OAV Liebesmahl Dinner in Hamburg on 13 March 2007

Mr Ole von Beust, First Mayor of Hamburg Prof Dr Eckhard Rohkamm, Chairman of the OAV Dr Juergen Hambrecht, Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German Business Your Excellencies, Ladies...

14 Mar 2007, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo's Visit to Hamburg, Germany, 13 March 2007

Foreign Minister George Yeo called on former German Chancellor, Dr Helmut Schmidt, and First Mayor of Hamburg Ole von Beust on 13 March 2007. Minister Yeo was in Hamburg to deliver a keynote speech at...

12 Mar 2007, 00:00

MFA Spokesman's comments on whether MFA has sought clarification from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore on comments by Indonesian State Minister of Environment Rachmat Witoelar in the Batam Pos report of 7 March 2007

In response to media queries on whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has sought clarification from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore on comments by Indonesian State Minister of Environment ...

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