12 Feb 2007, 00:00
Mr Charles Chong: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs (a) what impact does the mining of sand on the outer islands of Indonesia and Singapore's land reclamation works have on the maritime boundari...
07 Feb 2007, 00:00
1. The publication of this book culminates the year-long centennial celebration of the SCCCI. Probably everything that should be said about the achievements of SCCCI has already been said. The history...
07 Feb 2007, 00:00
In response to press queries on remarks by Indonesian Extradition Treaty Chief Negotiator Arif Havas Oegroseno on the Extradition Treaty negotiations, as reported in The Jakarta Post (6 February 2007)...
04 Feb 2007, 00:00
Dear Friends, Ladies and gentleman, Some months ago when I was visiting Pak Maidin during Hari Raya, he asked me to launch Ustaz Haniff's book ""Unlicensed to Kill: Countering Imam Samudra's Ju...
03 Feb 2007, 00:00
Mr Jean Ping, Vice-Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Cooperation, la Francophonie and Regional Integration of the Gabonese Republic will visit Singapore from 4-8 February 2007 at the in...