23 Oct 2003, 00:00
Q: How does Singapore balance its need to grow, to have more space, with the limited land availability? Prof Koh: We all have to live with our destiny. Singapore's destiny is that we have to live hap...
20 Oct 2003, 00:00
ASEAN Economic community Thank you for inviting me to address the APEC CEO Summit. My topic is the ASEAN Economic Community. I will keep my speech short, so that we have more time for Q&A. ASEAN Summi...
20 Oct 2003, 00:00
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov will make an official visit to Singapore from 23 to 24 October 2003 at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs Prof S Jayakumar. Mr Ivanov will be accompani...
20 Oct 2003, 00:00
The President of the United States, President George W. Bush, will make an official visit to Singapore from 21 to 22 October 2003 at the invitation of Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. This will be Presid...
20 Oct 2003, 00:00
The Government has appointed Professor Walter Woon, 47, as Ambassador to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, resident in Brussels. Professor Woon is concurrently Singapore's Ambassador to the Kingdom of B...