Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 7221 - 7225 of 7263

07 Jun 2000, 00:00

MFA Spokesman's Comments in response to article

COMMENTS BY MFA SPOKESMAN 1 In response to enquiries from the press regarding the article entitled "Look Elsewhere" published in the 5 June 1999 edition of the Star, the MFA spokesman said that Singap...

06 Jun 2000, 00:00

Speech by Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Minsitry of Foreign Affairs delivered at the 56th Annual Session of ESCAP in Bangkok, Thailand, 5 Jun 2000

Mr Chairman, Allow me to first congratulate you on your assumption of the Chairmanship of the 56th Session of ESCAP. I am confident that under your chairmanship, this will be a productive and meaningf...

02 Jun 2000, 00:00

Speech by PM Goh Chok Tong at the Argentine Institute of International Relations (CARI) on 2 June 1999, in Buenos Aires, Argentina - THE ASIAN CRISIS: LESSONS AND RESPONSES

THE ASIAN CRISIS: LESSONS AND RESPONSES Introduction: Asia Recovers I want to thank CARI for giving me this opportunity to share my thoughts on the Asian financial crisis. It is now two years since t...

13 May 2000, 00:00

Speech by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the Official Opening of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) 1999 Mid-Year Ex-Co Meeting, 4 May 1999

The Commonwealth embraces 54 countries with a common colonial background. English is our common working language. Almost all of us have parliamentary systems based on the Westminster model in London. ...

13 May 2000, 00:00

Speech by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the Official Opening of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) 1999 Mid-Year Ex-Co Meeting, 4 May 1999

The Commonwealth embraces 54 countries with a common colonial background. English is our common working language. Almost all of us have parliamentary systems based on the Westminster model in London. ...

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