Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 7391 - 7395 of 7439

31 Jul 2000, 00:00

Comments by MFA Spokesman on the visit of PRC Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan

COMMENTS BY MFA SPOKESMAN "Minister Tang Jiaxuan is visiting Singapore at the invitation of Foreign Minister Professor S Jayakumar. This is Minister Tang''s first official visit to Singapore, reciproc...

28 Jul 2000, 00:00

Transcript of remarks by Singapore Foreign Minister, S. Jayakumar to the media after the 7th ASEAN Regional Forum, 27 Jul 2000, Royal Orchid Sheraton, Bangkok, Thailand

There is an increased comfort level compared to the first and second ARFs. I have noticed that participants are prepared to discuss quite frankly topics which three to four years ago were considered r...

22 Jul 2000, 00:00

Comments by Singapore MFA Spokesman on Foreign Affairs Minister Prof S Jayakumar's Bilateral Meetings with Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand

In response to media queries, the Singapore MFA Spokesman said "Minister for Foreign Affairs Prof S Jayakumar today had separate bilateral meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic...

12 Jul 2000, 00:00


Responding to press queries on the meeting between Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar and his Singapore counterpart, Professor S Jayakumar, on 12 July 1999, an MFA spok...

06 Jul 2000, 00:00

Second Reading Speech by Law Minister Prof S Jayakumar - The Sultan Hussain (Amendment) Bill 1999

Mr Speaker, Sir, I beg to move "That the Bill be read a second time". Members will recall that the former Minister for Information and the Arts had announced in this House on 12 March 99 that the Gove...

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