Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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14 Dec 2016, 00:00 Outcome Documents Malaysia Singapore

Transcript of PM Lee Hsien Loong's Remarks at Joint Press Conference between PM Lee Hsien Loong and Malaysian PM Najib Razak at the 7th Malaysia-Singapore Leaders' Retreat

  The full transcript is also available here: --- Thank you Prime Minister Najib. L...

13 Dec 2016, 00:00 Outcome Documents Malaysia Singapore

Joint Statement by Prime Minister Dato' Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Malaysia-Singapore Leaders' Retreat in Putrajaya on 13 December 2016

  1.             Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met in Malaysia on 13 December 2016 for the 7th Malaysia-Singapore Leaders’ Retreat. The Leaders...

13 Dec 2016, 00:00 Press Statements New Zealand

MFA Press Statement: Congratulatory Message from Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English

                    Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has written a congratulatory letter to New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English.  The text of the letter is enclosed.   .     .     .     .     .   MI...

12 Dec 2016, 00:00 Spokesperson's Comments Egypt

MFA Spokesman’s Comments on the Explosion at St Mark’s Coptic Cathedral Complex in Cairo, Egypt on 11 December 2016

                    Singapore strongly condemns the heinous bomb attack at St Mark’s Coptic Cathedral complex in Cairo on 11 December 2016, which has resulted in the loss of innocent lives and injuri...

12 Dec 2016, 00:00 Turkey

MFA Press Release: Condolence Letters from Singapore Leaders on the Twin Explosions at Beşiktaş Football Stadium in Istanbul, 10 December 2016

  President Tony Tan Keng Yam, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr Vivian Balakrishnan have written to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkish Prime Minister Bi...

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