Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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12 Oct 2016, 00:00

PM Lee Hsien Loong's Address to Parliament of Australia at Parliament House, in Canberra, Australia, 12 October 2016

Australia and Singapore: Old Friends, New Partnership Mr Speaker, The Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister, The Honourable Stephen Parry, President of the Senate, The Honourable Bill Shorten, L...

12 Oct 2016, 00:00

Toast Speech by PM Lee Hsien Loong at the Official Lunch Hosted by the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia, 12 October 2016

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Bill Shorten, Members and Senators of Parliament, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen. May I thank the Prime Minister and Mr Bill Shorten, for their very warm r...

08 Oct 2016, 00:00

PM Lee Hsien Loong's remarks at the Joint Press Conference with PM Narenda Modi in New Delhi, India

  PM's remarks at the Joint Press Conference with PM Narendra Modi in New Delhi, India, on 4 Oct, are reproduced below. It is also available at:

08 Oct 2016, 00:00

Transcript of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's interview with The Hindu, 5 Oct 2016

PM Lee Hsien Loong Interview with The Hindu on 5 Oct 2016 (MCI Photo by Betty Chua) PM Lee Hsien Loong was interviewed by The Hindu during his working visit to India from 3 to 7 October...

08 Oct 2016, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: State Visit by President Tony Tan Keng Yam to the Kingdom of Norway, 9 to 14 October 2016

      President Tony Tan Keng Yam will make a State Visit to the Kingdom of Norway from 9 to 14 October 2016 at the invitation of His Majesty King Harald V of Norway.  This is the first State Visit by...

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