Press Statements, Transcripts & Photos

Press statements, transcripts of speeches & interviews, and photos can be found here.

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Results: 4246 - 4250 of 7329

09 Feb 2013, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Visit of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr Guido Westerwelle, 9 February 2013

Minister Westerwelle called on Minister Shanmugam this morning. (Photo: MFA) Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Dr Guido Westerwelle, who is v...

08 Feb 2013, 00:00

MFA Spokesman’s Comments in response to Indonesian media reports that Joko Soegiarto Tjandra is in Singapore and that the Indonesian authorities have made a formal request for assistance from Singapore

When asked about these reports, the MFA Spokesman said: “Indonesian Deputy Attorney-General Darmono’s allegation that Joko Soegiarto Tjandra, an Indonesian fugitive, is in Singapore is without substan...

08 Feb 2013, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Visit of the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Dr Guido Westerwelle, 8-10 February 2013

Federal Foreign Minister of Germany Dr Guido Westerwelle is visiting Singapore from 8 to 10 February 2013. Dr Westerwelle will be accompanied by officials from the Federal Foreign Ministry of Germany...

07 Feb 2013, 00:00

MFA Press Statement: Visit of Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia Dr Mohammad Mahfud MD

Call on Minister K Shanmugam by Chief Justice of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Mohammad Mahfud MD, 7 February 2013 [Photo: MFA]  Chief Justice of the Indonesian Constitutional Court Dr Mahfud MD...

06 Feb 2013, 00:00

MFA Press Release: Transcript of Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Masagos Zulkifli’s reply to the Parliamentary Questions, 6 February 2013

QUESTION:   MRS LINA CHIAM: To ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs in view of the appointment of a former Cabinet minister to the Hong Kong Economic Development Commission who has had access to Singa...

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