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04 Jul 2019

Singapore’s Ambassador Tan Hung Seng speaks at WTO Global Review of Aid for Trade, 3 July 2019

Singapore’s Permanent Representative to the WTO and WIPO Tan Hung Seng was invited as a panellist for the session on “Economic integration in the Maghreb – An Untapped Source of Aid for Trade and Growth” on 3 July 2019, where he shared on ASEAN’s experience in regional economic integration. His remarks are in full below. The 7th WTO Global Review of Aid for Trade from 3-5 July 2019 is focused on “how Aid for Trade supports economic diversification and empowerment, with a focus on eliminating extreme poverty, particularly through the effective participation of micro, small and medium enterprises, women and youth”.


17 Jun 2019

5th WTO Open Day, 16 June 2019


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