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South Africa

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore - South Africa


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Travellers should refer to the ICA website for the latest information on travelling to/from or transiting through Singapore.

Singaporeans may stay up to a maximum of 90 days in South Africa without a visa. However, this does not necessarily mean that travellers will be issued with a full 90-day short-term permit on arrival, as the actual duration issued by immigration officials will depend on factors such as the purpose of visit. As visa requirements often change at short notice, we advise you to contact your travel agency, or the High Commission of South Africa in Singapore for up-to-date information. There should be at least six months' validity on your passport on the expected date of departure from South Africa.


South Africa has strict entry regulations for minors (i.e. those under 18 years of age) to prevent child trafficking. Any minor travelling with one parent or without his/her parents provide certain documentation for entry into South Africa. Please contact the High Commission of South Africa in Singapore for more details.

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