Advisory for Singaporean Students Studying Overseas

17 March 2020

1 Given the evolving COVID-19 situation and rapid increase of COVID-19 cases around the globe, we encourage Singaporean students studying overseas to consider returning home soon. Institutes of Higher Learning in Singapore have begun recalling their students currently on overseas internship or exchange. 

2 Many countries are imposing travel restrictions or closing their borders, transport operators and airlines are cutting services, and many services and facilities, including educational institutions, have also been closed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

3 The Government will liaise with airlines to facilitate flights to key cities when necessary during this period, to cater to demand for return flights to Singapore. 

4 In the meantime, to all overseas Singaporean students yet to return home, please observe the following:

  • Take all necessary precautions, observe good personal hygiene, monitor local developments, and heed the advice of local authorities.

  • eRegister with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) at at the earliest opportunity to enable MFA to contact you should the need arise. Students should also check the Ministry of Health (MOH) website ( and MFA website for the latest measures implemented by Singapore.

  • Ensure that you will have continued access to medical facilities near you, and that you have appropriate health insurance coverage.

  • Be prepared that these medical facilities may become overwhelmed, and may not be able to provide the same level of care and support as in Singapore.

  • Be prepared to source for alternative accommodation in the event of hostel closures.

  • Factor in the risks of severe disruption to travel routes and further travel advisories / restrictions at short notice, which may affect your travel plans to return home.

  • Discuss with your educational institution on arrangements for you to continue your learning in Singapore.

5 Should you require any assistance while overseas, please contact your educational institutions, student associations, the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or the Singapore Global Network ( for guidance. The Ministry of Education may also be contacted at

6 In the event that you require consular assistance, please contact the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission ( or call the MFA Duty Office at +65 6379 8800 / +65 6379 8855.

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Ministry of Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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