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30 Oct 2023

While Egypt is generally stable, occasional security incidents continue to take place in the Sinai Peninsula, in particular North Sinai. 

Singaporeans are advised to plan their travel to Egypt carefully and avoid any travel to North Sinai as well as Egypt's land border areas with Libya, Sudan, and Gaza due to active military operations. Singaporeans should also take care while travelling to locations near the Israel-Egypt border as there may be accidental hits due to mistargeted ordnance.

Singaporeans should purchase comprehensive travel and medical insurance and be familiar with their coverage. 

Those visiting or living in Egypt are reminded to monitor the local news closely, observe instructions from local authorities, and avoid areas where there are plans for large crowds to gather.  Singaporeans are strongly advised not to take photos or video recordings of any demonstrations or security officials and their equipment. The import or use of any form of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles is strictly prohibited in Egypt unless prior permission has been obtained from the Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority.

Singapore passport holders (except diplomatic passports) must have a visa to enter Egypt. A single-entry 30-day tourist visa can be obtained on arrival at Egyptian airports for a USD 25 fee.


For Diplomatic Passport Holders, under the Singapore-Egypt Agreement on Mutual Visa Exemption for Holders of Diplomatic Passports which has come into effect on 1 June 2024, they can enter into, exit from and transit through Egypt without having to obtain a visa for up to 90 days from the date of entry for official work purposes. 


The government of Egypt has removed all COVID-19 entry restrictions. It is no longer necessary to show proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test to enter Egypt.


As entry requirements may change at short notice, travellers are advised to refer to the latest advisories issued by the Egyptian government, and/or check with the Egyptian Embassy in Singapore and the respective airlines to ensure that you have the latest and most accurate information prior to departure.

Terrorist Attacks:   While the security situation in Egypt remains stable, attacks targeting Egyptian security forces occur sporadically in parts of the country Security measures are in place in coastal resort towns, including Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, and Marsa Alam.  However, Singaporeans should reconsider non-essential travel to (i) the Governorate of North Sinai, (ii) the northern part of the Governorate of South Sinai (beyond the St Catherine-Nuweibaa Road), and (iii) the eastern part of Governorate of Ismailiyah (east of the Suez Canal). Also avoid travel to border areas close to Libya and Sudan.


Crime: The majority of crimes against foreigners are petty thefts such as purse snatching, pickpocketing and scams (e.g. touting, forcing to buy souvenirs at exorbitant prices, overcharging for souvenirs, etc).  One should take extra precaution in crowded areas such as the metro, malls, markets and take care not to flaunt money or valuables.  While violent crime is low compared to major Western cities, there have been reports of armed robberies, muggings, sexual assault and housebreaking against expatriates in Egypt.  


Sexual harassment is rampant in Egypt and affects Egyptian and foreign women alike.  To mitigate the risk of harassment, foreign women are advised to dress more conservatively and ignore rude stares and comments. When taking a taxi alone, they should refrain from sitting in the front seat and/or sleeping in the taxi.  Additionally, women should refrain from going out at night alone. If necessary, they should be do so in large groups or with a male companion.

Local laws reflect the fact that Egypt is predominantly an Islamic country. Singaporeans are strongly advised to respect local traditions, customs, laws and religions at all times.

Narcotics: Smuggling and possession of narcotics carry high penalties in Egypt, including life imprisonment and the death penalty.

Alcohol: Drinking of alcohol is only permissible in licensed restaurants and establishments. Drinking on the street is unlawful.

Photography: Photography of military installations, government buildings and Embassies is strictly prohibited. This includes the Suez Canal. Foreigners have been arrested for taking photographs of public buildings and infrastructure. This includes the use of radio-controlled helicopters and drones to capture images. Under Egyptian law, individuals can be detained indefinitely without charge.

Customs Regulations: Strict duties apply on the importation of expensive electronic items. It is also prohibited to export any antiquity or any item older than 100 years without a license.  Entering or exiting Egypt with more than US$ 10,000 or LE 5,000 in cash is prohibited.

Egypt is predominantly Islamic, it observes the Islamic tradition of fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.  Please exercise sensitivity when consuming food and beverages during fasting hours, from sunrise to sunset.

The local currency is the Egyptian Pound (EGP).  Local banks and money changers do not accept the Singapore Dollar.  It is advisable to carry with you US Dollars (USD) or Euros (EUR) to exchange for local currency.  Alternatively you can withdraw EGP from the bank ATMs if your Singapore debit card is authorised for overseas withdrawals.  All major credit cards are accepted in larger stores or restaurants, but a transaction fee may be levied.

Overseas Travel – Be Informed & Be Safe [Updated on 5 February 2024]

Singaporeans planning overseas travel are reminded to take the necessary precautions, including being prepared to deal with accidents, natural disasters or terrorist attacks. Singaporeans are also reminded to be familiar with your destination’s local laws, customs, and COVID-19 regulations.

Demonstrations do occur in major cities across the world. Such demonstrations can sometimes escalate into violence. It is important for Singaporeans to keep abreast of local news, avoid any protests or demonstrations and heed the advice of the local authorities.

When participating in outdoor leisure activities overseas, Singaporeans should be mindful that certain sporting activities, especially in open seas, may carry risks. Besides ensuring that one has the physical competencies and appropriate condition to undertake the activity, every effort should be made to ascertain if the trip organiser or guide is reliable and competent, and that appropriate safety and contingency plans are in place. When in doubt, Singaporeans should consult the relevant professional bodies or sporting associations for specific advice.


For those planning to travel, here are some tips:

Before travelling

  • Familiarise yourself with our network of overseas missions.
  • Purchase comprehensive travel insurance and be familiar with the terms and coverage.
  • Equip yourself with research about your destination’s entry requirements, current situation, local laws and customs.
  • eRegister with us on our website ( so that we may reach out to you during an emergency.

While travelling

  • Always take care of your personal safety, remain vigilant and monitor local weather news, advisories, and security developments.
  • Exercise caution around large gatherings and avoid locations known for demonstrations or disturbances.
  • Be prepared for possible delays and last-minute changes in travel plans especially during unforeseen events such as natural disasters, social unrest or terror attacks.
  • Stay connected with your friends and family. Inform them of your whereabouts and provide them with your overseas contact details.
  • In the event that you require consular assistance, please contact the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office at +65 6379 8800/+65 6379 8855.

Advisory: Email Scams

There have been reports of individuals receiving scam emails/messages purportedly sent from friends in distress overseas. These emails/messages typically originate from an email address/social media known to the receiver bearing claims of the sender getting into trouble overseas and urgently requesting financial assistance. The sender would also claim to have approached a Singapore Embassy/Consulate and the local Police for help to no avail.

MFA takes the safety of all Singaporeans very seriously.  Singaporeans in distress approaching our Overseas Missions for assistance will be rendered with all necessary consular assistance.  If you receive such emails/messages from purported friends seeking funds transfers, we strongly advise you to call them first to verify the authenticity of the emails/messages before responding to their request.  It is also not advisable to give out any personal information such as NRIC/passport numbers, address, telephone number, etc.  Any form of reply, even one of non-interest, could result in more unsolicited emails.  Members of the public who suspect that they have fallen prey to such scams should report the matter to the Police immediately.  Should Singaporeans abroad require consular assistance, they can contact the nearest Singapore Overseas Mission or call the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 24-hr Duty Office at +65 6379 8800/+65 6379 8855.

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