
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore - Gambia


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Travellers should refer to the ICA website for the latest information on travelling to/from or transiting through Singapore.

As entry restrictions may change at short notice, we advise you to contact your travel agency, or the nearest High Commission of Gambia, to ensure that you have accurate information for your specific purpose prior to departure.

Please note that Singapore has no diplomatic representation in Gambia which constrains our ability to extend consular assistance in an emergency. Singaporeans who need consular assistance can contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24 Hours) at: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Duty Office (24-hours) Tanglin, Singapore 248163 Tel: 6379 8800, 6379 8855 Email:

Singaporeans may stay up to 90 days in Gambia without a visa. As visa requirements often change at short notice, we advise you to contact your travel agency, or the nearest High Commission of Gambia for up-to-date information. There should be at least six months' validity on your passport on the expected date of departure from Gambia. 

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