MFA Spokesman's comments on impact of US sanctions on Myanmar's entry into Asean

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore - $name

In response to press queries on whether the US sanctions have any impact on Myanmar''s entry into ASEAN, the MFA spokesman reiterated that the timing of the admission of Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar into ASEAN depended on their readiness to join the organisation. They must be prepared to accede to the ASEAN economic and non-economic agreements on admission. ASEAN Foreign Ministers will meet in Kuala Lumpur on 31 May 97 to discuss various ASEAN issues, including the expansion of ASEAN.

ASEAN considers constructive engagement as the best way to facilitate Myanmar''s economic liberalisation which in turn will bring about further internal changes. The Spokesman also reiterated the view that sanctions only work in cases where the economy of a country is plugged to the global economy.



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