Responding to press queries on the meeting between Malaysian Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Syed Jaafar Albar and his Singapore counterpart, Professor S Jayakumar, on 12 July 1999, an MFA spokesman said:

"The Foreign Ministers reaffirmed the importance of maintaining good bilateral relations and noted that both countries should remain focussed on the long-term relationship and benefits of mutual cooperation. In this regard, they agreed that it was important that the two Foreign Ministries should continue to maintain channels of communication, so as to manage and resolve any bilateral difficulties that occur from time to time. On the negotiations on the package of outstanding issues, both Foreign Ministers noted that another Senior Officials' Meeting was due to be held in August. They agreed that both sides should try to narrow the gaps so as to arrive at a "win-win" package deal.

Professor Jayakumar also briefed Datuk Seri Syed Hamid on Singapore's preparations for the upcoming ASEAN Ministerial Meeting, ASEAN Regional Forum and Post Ministerial Conference (AMM/ARF/PMC) to be held in Singapore from 19-28 July 1999."

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12 JULY 1999

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