Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong's Congratulatory Message to HE Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri


Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong has sent a congratulatory message to HE Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri on her election as the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

A copy of Prime Minister Goh's message is attached.

23 JULY 2001

23 July 2001

HE Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri
Republic of Indonesia

Your Excellency

On behalf of Singapore, I send you my warmest congratulations on your election as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Since August 1998, Indonesia has undergone a difficult period of transition. The people have endured great economic hardship and the trauma of political uncertainty. You have, in your quiet and confident way, provided strong leadership to them. Your election as President today reflects the confidence of the people of Indonesia in you.

Your steady and wise leadership offers the best chance forward for your country. You have a difficult job ahead of you. There are no quick or easy solutions. But Indonesia must begin the process of national reconciliation and pull itself out of the prolonged crisis. We hope Indonesia will recover soon.

Relations between Indonesia and Singapore are warm and close. We have also cooperated well in the past to enhance the security and prosperity of our region. I look forward to working with you to further enhance our bilateral ties, and to strengthen ASEAN.

I wish you good health, strength and success as you assume your new responsibilities as President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Yours sincerely

Goh Chok Tong

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