MFA's spokesman's comments-Meeting between Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Taku Yamasaki

In response to media queries on the meeting, an MFA spokesman said:

Mr Yamasaki delivered a letter from Prime Minister Koizumi to Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong. Mr Yamasaki exchanged views on developments in East Asia with DPM Lee, and also briefed DPM Lee on Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine.

DPM Lee said that Japan had played a major positive role in the region's development since the Second World War. Singapore has, for many years, been working closely with Japan to develop strong, forward-looking bilateral relations. The Japan-Singapore Economic Agreement for a New Age Partnership currently being negotiated will further strengthen and deepen our ties.

On the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, DPM Lee said that the statement by Prime Minister Koizumi on 13 August was a helpful official acknowledgement that Japan had committed a war of aggression in the Second World War, and that the Japanese Government felt deep regret for this. Unfortunately, because as a country Japan has not yet succeeded in putting behind it the overall question of its role in the War, and because of the status and history of the Yasukuni Shrine, Prime Minister Koizumi's visit to the Shrine has been seen by some as endorsing Japan's actions in the War, notwithstanding his statement. This had caused reactions in several Asian countries.

DPM Lee expressed the hope that Japan would come to terms with its war past, as Germany had done in Europe. This would help Japan to continue building trust and confidence with East Asian countries, so that it could build normal relations with its neighbours and play its full and proper role in the prosperity and stability of Asia.


19 AUGUST 2001

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