Speech by Dr Ow Chin Hock, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, at the 3rd Singapore Scholarship Certificate Presentation Ceremony, 1430 hrs, Thursday 2 August 2001 at the Regent, Singapore

Excellencies, Singapore Scholars, guests and friends,

On behalf of the Singapore Government, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you. We are gathered here this afternoon to honour the third batch of scholars under the Singapore Scholarship.

2 The Singapore Scholarship was launched by Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong at the 6th ASEAN Summit in 1998. The Scholarship was intended to alleviate the adverse impact of the Asian financial crisis then on the educational opportunities available to bright and young people in ASEAN. Hence, originally, the Scholarship was established under the Singapore Co-operation Programme which offered 30 undergraduate scholarships annually over three to four years for ASEAN students to study in Singapore.

3 This year marks an expansion in the Singapore Scholarship under the Initiative for ASEAN Integration or "IAI" in short. The IAI was announced by Prime Minister Goh at the Fourth ASEAN Informal Summit in November last year in Singapore. The main objective of the IAI is to help integrate the newer ASEAN member countries, namely, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam into ASEAN. In this connection, and in response to the growing interest of ASEAN countries in the Singapore Scholarship, Singapore has decided to double the annual intake of Singapore Scholars from 30 to 60 over the next five years.

4 The expansion of the Singapore Scholarship was also timely. As you are aware, the global economy is expected to slow down this year and perhaps the next one to two years. In the face of economic adversity, the Singapore Scholarship will remain as a concrete example of ASEAN's self-reliance and its efforts to assist each other in overcoming difficulties.

5 I am pleased to note the growing interest in the Singapore Scholarship. Compared to last year, the number of applications had more than tripled to 1071. Of these, 57 scholars representing the 9 ASEAN countries were selected. The scholars are all with us today and we would like to extend a very warm welcome to all of them. Let me say a few words to the Singapore Scholars. Your abilities have won you places at the Nanyang Technological University and National University of Singapore. Some of you will be undergoing a one-year bridging course, which will prepare you well for your undergraduate course in the following year.

6 I note that you have chosen a wide range of studies, such as Engineering, Computer Engineering, Business Administration and Accountancy. The knowledge and skills gained through these courses are relevant to the developmental needs of your home countries. As scholars nominated by your respective governments, you represent their hopes and aspirations. Hence, I urge you to do your best during the next 3-4 years in Singapore so that on your return, you can contribute significantly to the development of your own country.

7 Our university lecturers and professors will share their knowledge with you to enable you to meet your educational goals. At the same time, your presence here will enrich the diverse mix of cultures at the two universities and foster close bonds between ASEAN and Singapore students. In addition, we have a Host Family Scheme wherein we provide you with a Singaporean host who can serve as your mentor and friend whilst you are in Singapore. The objective of the Host Family Scheme is to give scholars a home-away-from-home feeling. These families are points of contact for information and advice. We would like to encourage all our scholars here and your host families to meet and interact with each other regularly.

8 Your arrival has brought the total number of Singapore Scholars to 111. Most of the scholars from the first two batches are also present today. They have distinguished themselves. I encourage you to learn from their experience and emulate their example. Two scholars in the Class of 1999 and four more in the Class of 2000 were offered the Accelerated Masters Programme at the NTU on the basis of their outstanding examination results. Three others have been placed on the Dean's List at the NUS.

9 On behalf of my Ministry, I would also like to thank the Ministry of Education, NUS and NTU for helping us implement the Singapore Scholarship. We are confident that all the Singapore scholars are in the good hands of NUS and NTU.

10 Let me also thank the respective ASEAN governments for nominating their bright and young citizens for the Singapore Scholarship. I am sure the scholars will contribute to the development of their countries with distinction upon completion of their undergraduate studies in Singapore.

11 Finally, I wish all of you, Singapore Scholars all the best, and may your stay in Singapore be memorable and fruitful.



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