MFA Spokesman's Comments


Responding to media queries on media reports that the water talks are off, the MFA Spokesman said:

"On 22 November 2002, Singapore's High Commissioner in Kuala Lumpur had sought clarification from Wisma Putra on an earlier statement by FM Syed Hamid that the next meeting would discuss only the price review of current water and that Malaysia would not discuss any agreement for future water after 2061 unless Singapore accepts Malaysia's right to a price review.

Wisma Putra informed our High Commissioner that they would revert later with Malaysia's official position on future water talks. Singapore has not yet received this official clarification.

Singapore has consistently said that it remains willing to discuss the water issue with Malaysia, on both current and future water. We have said that if Malaysia insists on discussing its concerns alone, little will be achieved in future meetings. To make progress, discussions cannot only be based on the interests of one side."
. . . . .

30 NOVEMBER 2002

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