Speech by President S R Nathan at the State Banquet in Honour of HM Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam, 27 Feb 2003

Your Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin Waddaulah

Your Majesty The Duli Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha

Your Royal Highness


Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

On behalf of the Government and people of the Republic of Singapore, it is with much pleasure that my wife and I extend our warmest welcome to Your Majesties on the occasion of Your Majesty's State Visit. We are indeed privileged to receive Your Majesties and your distinguished delegation as Singapore's honoured guests. Your Majesties' State Visit to Singapore indeed marks another significant milestone in the long history of our close relations.

2 As Your Majesties' visit is taking place just after Brunei's 19th Independence Day celebrations on 23 February 2003, I would like on this auspicious occasion to also convey on behalf of the Government and people of Singapore, our congratulations and warmest good wishes to Your Majesties and the Government and people of Brunei for the continued progress and prosperity of Brunei Darussalam.

Your Majesties,

3 Since attaining independence in 1984, under your Majesty's wise leadership, Brunei Darussalam has enjoyed progress and stability. Brunei Darussalam has made impressive strides in its development. Its infrastructure development has also grown in tandem with economic progress. Bruneians today enjoy an overall quality of life that is the envy of many other nations, with the benefits of education, healthcare and the comforts of modern living evident to all. It is commendable that Your Majesty has so successfully balanced the demands of modernization with the need to maintain the strong cultural, traditional and spiritual values that underpin Brunei Darussalam.

4 On the regional and international front, Brunei Darussalam has enhanced its prestige and gained much respect, largely through Your Majesty's personal effort to find ways of forging ties with countries small and large, near and afar. Brunei's successful Chairmanship of APEC and ASEAN reflected the extent of Your Majesty's contribution.

5 Your Majesty, our relations date back well before Brunei's independence in 1984. It was Your Majesty's late father, Almarhum Sultan Haji Omar 'Ali Saifuddien Sa'adul Khairi Waddien who laid the strong foundation on which the deep and enduring relationship between Brunei Darussalam and Singapore rests. Your Majesty has consistently strengthened and built on that foundation through working closely with the leaders of Singapore and encouraging closer interaction at official and other levels to consolidate that relationship for the mutual benefit of both countries.

6 I would like to assure Your Majesty that Singapore values this relationship and stays equally committed to build on that solid foundation, which you have so carefully nurtured over the years. Since Your Majesty's first State Visit in 1990, regular high-level meetings between our Ministers and officials have been institutionalised. Cultural and youth exchange programmes have been established, facilitating wider people-to-people contact. Equally, our bonds of friendship have grown stronger through co-operation and regular exchanges. This has been to the benefit of both countries and it behoves us to continuously nurture and re-affirm this close relationship and friendship, built on longstanding trust and mutual co-operation. I believe Your Majesty's visit will contribute further to consolidating the close and warm relations that has grown significantly over these years between our two countries at all levels.

Your Majesties,

7 Singapore and Brunei Darussalam are the two smallest countries in the region. We share common interests and face similar challenges. Your Majesties' visit takes place at a time when the regional and international geo-political situation has changed dramatically over the last few years. We are now faced with the scourge of global terrorism in addition to other political and economic challenges. In addition, Singapore and Brunei, like many of our ASEAN neighbours, would also have to deal with the challenge posed by rapidly growing regional states such as China and India. These economic powerhouses are drawing away foreign investments from Southeast Asia.

8 Your Majesties' visit therefore provides an opportune time for a frank exchange of views on regional and international issues, as well as explore new areas of co-operation. There are many areas in which our two countries can learn from each other and also work in partnership as we face the future together.

9 For both Singapore and Brunei Darussalam, ASEAN remains an important cornerstone of our foreign policy. We share a common interest in keeping ASEAN robust and relevant. Despite what some critics might say, ASEAN is not an organisation that is on the wane, or past its prime. It remains as relevant today as it was thirty-five years ago. The raison d'etre of ASEAN is to provide a platform for member countries to work together for mutual benefit notwithstanding temporary bilateral difficulties among neighbours and countries beyond. This remains relevant. Indeed, there is much scope for us to do more to make the expanded ASEAN a cohesive and vibrant community. In this regard, I am confident that Singapore and Brunei Darussalam will continue to work together to ensure that ASEAN rejuvenates itself to face the new challenges.

Your Majesties,

10 Singapore and Brunei Darussalam are both young nations. We share a mutual interest in ensuring regional peace and stability. We also face common challenges, such as the impact of globalisation. I am confident that the strong bilateral ties forged between Singapore and Brunei will help us weather the challenges ahead. As we move into the future, let me reassure Your Majesties that Singapore will always remain a trusted and loyal friend, and a true partner to Brunei Darussalam.

11 In closing, let me take this occasion to wish Your Majesties good health, happiness and prosperity. Through Your Majesty, I would also like to convey to the Government and people of Brunei Darussalam our best wishes for the Nation's continued progress and prosperity.

Thank you.

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