MFA Spokesman's Comments on recent Malaysian advertisements on the water issue


In response to media queries about recent Malaysian advertisements on the water issue, the MFA Spokesman said:

"Let's be clear on this. The 1961 and 1962 Water Agreements signed between Johor and Singapore, confirmed and solemnly guaranteed by Malaysia in the 1965 Separation Agreement and lodged with the UN, govern the supply of raw water from Johor to Singapore and of treated water from Singapore to Johor".

"There is nothing new in the Malaysian media blitz. They said they will run the ads for several days. But what has been published yesterday and today is just a repeat of old stories - they are right and we are wrong. They are reasonable, we are profiteering."

"We have set out all the facts and released all the letters and diplomatic exchanges in Foreign Minister Jayakumar's Parliamentary Statement on 25 January 2003. The facts are all on the record. Everyone can judge for themselves what is the truth of the matter."

"There are no new facts to disclose other than the records of the two Foreign Ministers meetings in July and September 2002 and the meetings of the senior officials. We would be happy to release these documents as well for the record."

"It is telling that the Malaysian advertisements have so far ignored all the documents that are now in the public domain."

"It is on the record that Singapore offered to raise the price of raw water from 3 sen to 45 sen and later again to 60 sen as part of the package. Malaysia first accepted this. Then they reneged on the deal and later arbitrarily asked for RM3 and then more than RM6."

"Then Malaysia unilaterally called off the package talks."

"Having called off the negotiations, the next step is arbitration which is what the Water Agreements provide for. Malaysia has initiated steps in this process. We have said we are ready."

"But instead of following up, they have resorted, six months later, to this ad campaign. This is puzzling. The MITA booklet was published three months ago. It contains nothing that was not in the 25 January 2003 Parliamentary Statement."

"We do not know what they hope to achieve. To make progress Malaysia must engage the substance of the facts. They need to go beyond old stories and repeating tired arguments."

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14 JULY 2003

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