MFA Press Statement - Visit By Minister For Foreign Affairs George Yeo To Belgium, Ireland And The U

Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo will visit Belgium from 16 to 17 September, Ireland from 17 to 20 September, and the US from 20 to 30 September.

In Brussels, he will meet European Commissioner for External Relations Christopher Patten and Belgian Foreign Minister Karel de Gucht.

Minister Yeo will then lead a delegation to Ireland for the inauguration of the late Brother Joseph McNally's sculpture, "Counsellor II", at the Museum of Country Life in County Mayo. This sculpture will be presented on behalf of Singaporeans to thank the Irish people for Brother McNally's contributions to the arts, education and religious harmony in Singapore. It will also be a tribute to the Irish De La Salle Brothers, to honour their contributions to the development of Singapore.

From Ireland, Minister Yeo will travel to New York to attend the 59th session of the United Nations General Assembly, during which he will deliver a statement on behalf of Singapore. Minister Yeo will also hold bilateral meetings with his counterparts from several countries.

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