MFA Press Release: MOU Signing Ceremony For Singapore's Post-Tsunami Reconstruction Projects In Sri Lanka, 7 April 2006

The Singapore and Sri Lankan Governments signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in Colombo to implement Singapore's post-tsunami reconstruction projects for Sri Lanka. Singapore's High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Mr Tan Kah Hoe signed the MOU on behalf of the Singapore Government, while Mr Ariyaratne Hewage, Secretary, Ministry of Education of Sri Lanka, signed on his Government's behalf. Also present was Singapore's Honorary Consul General in Colombo, Deshamanya Lalith Kotelawala.

The Singapore Government is partnering the Singapore Red Cross Society to refurbish three schools that serve more than 6,400 students in the Southern Province districts of Galle, Matara and Hambantota. These districts were the worst affected by the 26 December 2004 tsunami. The three schools, namely the Tangalle Primary School, the Vijitha Central College, and the Rewatha National College, had been used as camps for the internally-displaced persons (IDPs) affected by the tsunami. Singapore will also be providing skills upgrading courses for the teachers of these three schools.

Singapore's post-tsunami reconstruction package to Sri Lanka also includes the training of Sri Lankan healthcare workers in disaster management. These healthcare workers will be selected from hospitals in the three districts.

High Commissioner Tan was accompanied by officials from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Building and Construction Authority, the Singapore Red Cross Society and members of the Construction Industry Joint Committee.

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7 APRIL 2006

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