MFA Press Release: Short Remarks by Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo at the Groundbreaking Ceremony of the Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh General Hospital on 3 April 2006

[In Bahasa]

Yang Mulia Bapak Hatta Rajasa, Menteri Perhubungan

Yang Mulia Dr. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, Direktur Badan Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi untuk Aceh dan Nias

Yang Mulia Bapak Mustafa Abu Bakar, Pejabat Sementara Gubernur Aceh

Yang Mulia Bapak Nasruddin, mantan Bupati Aceh Barat

Yang Mulia Bapak Sofyanis, Pejabat Sementara Bupati Aceh Barat

Dr. Haris M Saputra, Direktur Rumah Sakit Umum Meulaboh Cut Nyak Dhien

Tamu-tamu yang terhormat
Bapak- bapak dan Ibu-ibu

Saya merasa sangat bersuka cita berada disini untuk menghadiri peletakan batu pertama pembangunan Rumah Sakit Umum Meulaboh Cut Nyak Dhien.

2 Cut Nyak Dhien merupakan seorang pejuang wanita Aceh yang sangat tangguh dengan semangat dan keberanian yang luar biasa melawan tentara penjajahan kolonial Belanda di abad ke sembilanbelas (19). Hari ini, semangatnya yang kuat tetap hidup dalam masyarakat Aceh. Tragedi Tsunami pada tahun dua ribu empat (2004) merupakan kejadian alam terburuk dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia. Namun, dengan berjalanya waktu masyarakt Meulaboh dan Aceh telah bangkit kembali dengan kebanggan dan itikad.

3 Saya diberitahu bahwa Rumah Sakit Umum Cut Nyak Dhien merupakan satu-satunya fasilitas kesehatan minim yang tinggal di Meulaboh. Rumah sakit ini telah muncul sebagai simbol dari tempat perlindungan dan harapan. Sejak Tsunami, rumah sakit telah melayani sekitar setengah juta orang. Hal ini menandakan pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa dimana hanya terdapat duabelas (12) orang dokter yang bekerja tanpa kenal lelah memberikan pertolongan kepada sekitar dua ratus (200) orang setiap harinya.

4 Tahun lalu Singapura memutuskan untuk menyumbangkan para tenaga ahli dan sumber-sumber daya yang ada untuk pembangunan kembali Rumah Sakit yang berkapasitas delapan puluh (80) tempat tidur ini. Ini merupakan proyek utama yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Singapura bekerjasama dengan Temasek Holdings, Palang Merah Singapura dan Mercy Relief. Kita juga sangat dibantu oleh Pak Kuntoro dan para koleganya di BRR.

[In English]

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen

5 I am delighted to be here today for the groundbreaking of the Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh General Hospital.

6 Cut Nyak Dhien was a courageous Acehnese female warrior who fought the Dutch colonial army with extraordinary courage and determination in the 19th century. Today, her indomitable spirit lives on in the people of Aceh. The tsunami tragedy of 2004 was one of the worst disasters that have ever happened in human history. But, as we have seen in the months since, the people of Meulaboh and Aceh have recovered with pride and resolve.

7 I was told that Cut Nyak Dhien General Hospital was the only secondary healthcare facility left standing in Meulaboh. The hospital has emerged as a symbol of refuge and hope. Since the tsunami, the hospital has served about half a million people. This is a remarkable achievement for a hospital with only twelve doctors who work tirelessly to see an average of over 200 patients daily.

8 Singapore decided last year to contribute resources and expertise towards the upgrading of this 80-bed general hospital. This is a major project undertaken by the Singapore Government working together with Temasek Holdings, the Singapore Red Cross Society and Mercy Relief. We have been greatly assisted by Pak Kuntoro and his colleagues at Badan Pelaksana Rehabilitasi dan Rekonstruksi (BRR).

9 Through the Tidal Waves Asia Fund, Singaporeans have committed a total of S$5 million to this project. We have engaged one of Singapore's well-known architects, Mr Tay Kheng Soon, to work on the upgrading of the hospital. When the new hospital is completed, it will have a total of 144 beds with modern facilities including clinical research labs and a radiology department. The Singapore Red Cross Society and various hospitals in Singapore, including Alexandra Hospital, KK Women and Children's Hospital and the Singapore General Hospital, are also providing training to the healthcare workers here. They are also helping to build training centres for healthcare workers in Banda Aceh.

10 Earlier today, together with Pak Rajasa and Pak Kuntoro, I attended the handover ceremony for the Meulaboh pier. It was a happy event for everyone involved in the pier project. The project finished on schedule and on budget. The new pier will allow essential supplies to reach the people of Meulaboh directly. The upgrading of this hospital will be another important milestone for the people who live here.

11 I wish the project managers and the management and staff of Cut Nyak Dhien Meulaboh General Hospital every success and look forward to the project's completion in time and on budget.

12 Thank you.
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