MFA Press Statement: Presentation of Credentials

The following new foreign Heads of Mission presented their diplomatic credentials to President S R Nathan in separate ceremonies at the Istana today:

(a) The Ambassador of the Republic of Angola, His Excellency Flavio Saraiva de Carvalho FONSECA;

(b) The Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, His Excellency WARDANA; and

(c) The Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina, His Excellency Dr Murat-Muhamed RAMADANOVIC.

The curricula vitae of His Excellency Flavio Saraiva De Carvalho Fonseca, His Excellency Wardana and His Excellency Dr Murat-Muhamed Ramadanovic are attached.

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30 NOVEMBER 2006




BORN: 19 June 1955, Damba (Oando) Ulge, Angola

AGE: 51


EDUCATION: Training Course on Geology and Mines Research and Laboratorial Analysis, 1974-1975

Master of Law (Honours), People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow-Russian Federation, 1976-1982

Graduated as Journalist, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 1982

Graduated as Translator and Interpreter of Portuguese-Russian, People's Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, 1982

Researcher on "Jewish History and Historiography" as well as free Student of Classical and Contemporary Hebrew languages, Martin Bubar Institute, Brussels Free University, 1991-1993

CAREER: 1973-1975 Accountant

1975-1976 Third Officer, Human Resources and Logistics Departments, Luanda Angola Geology and Mining Services
(cont'd) 1976 First Officer, Directorate for Administration and Finance Affairs, Ministry of Labour

1980 Technical Assistant, Second Class, Department of Political Affairs, Ministry for External Relations

1982-1985 Technical Assistant, Second Class, Department of Political Affairs, Ministry for External Foreign Relations

1984-1985 Assisting Lecturer, Faculty of Law, International Law, Agostinto Nelo Angola University, Luanda, Angola

1985 Lawyer in Private Affairs

1986-1989 Second Secretary, Department for Western Countries, Ministry for External Relations

1987-1989 Director of Cabinet, Ministry for External Relations

Jan 1990 - Dec 1992 First Secretary, Angola Embassy in Belgium, Netherlands, European Union, Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP-GROUP)

Jan 1993 - Jul 1994 Counsellor, Angola Embassy in Belgium, Netherlands, European Union, Africa, Caribbean and Pacific Group (ACP-GROUP)

Aug 1994 - Jul 1996 Counsellor, Directorate for International Organisations, Ministry for External Relations

Jul 1996 - 1999 Minister-Counsellor, Directorate for International Organisations, Ministry for External Relations
(cont'd) 2000 -
Nov 2002 Minister-Counsellor, Angola Embassy in India

Nov 2002 -Aug 2006 Minister-Counsellor, Angola Embassy in Singapore

Aug 2006 Ambassador-designate of Angola to Singapore

30 Nov 2006 Ambassador of Angola to Singapore

HOBBIES: Music, Genealogy, Botanics and Ornithology

LANGUAGES: (Fully operative in) Portuguese, French, Spanish and Russian

English, German, Hebrew, Ladino, Kikongo, Kimbundo and Latin

ATTENDED: UNGA, 1984-1987, 1995-1998
Ministerial Conference of NOAL Countries, Luanda, Angola, 1985

Regional Conference on Disarmament and Security, Togo, Africa, 1986

67th Session of the Council of Ministers of OAU

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November 2006




BORN: 23 June 1954, Klaten, Central Java, Indonesia

AGE: 52

MARITAL STATUS: Married with two children

EDUCATION: 1980 Graduate from the Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponegoro University Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

1982 Junior Foreign Service Training Course, Department of Foreign Affairs (DEPLU), Indonesia

1997 Attended Mid-Career Foreign Service Training Course, DEPLU, Indonesia

1997 Attended Senior Foreign Service Training Course, DEPLU, Indonesia

CAREER: 1983-1984 Head of Sub-Division, General Affairs Bureau, DEPLU

1984-1985 Apprenticeship Program at the Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York

1985-1988 Vice-Consul, Consulate-General of Indonesia, San Francisco, USA

1988-1991 Head of Section, Directorate of International Trade Relations, DEPLU

(Cont'd) 1991-1995 First Secretary, Economic Affairs, Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva

1995-1998 Deputy Director, Directorate of Multilateral Economic Cooperation, DEPLU

1998-2002 Counsellor-Minister Counsellor, Head of Economic Division, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia, Tokyo, Japan

2002-2004 Director of South American and Caribbean Affairs, DEPLU

2004-Nov 2006 Consul-General of Indonesia, Sydney, Australia

Aug 2006 Ambassador-designate of Indonesia to Singapore

30 Nov 2006 Ambassador of Indonesia to Singapore

CONFERENCES ATTENDED: Member of the Indonesian delegations to regional and international conference such as UNGA, ECOSOC, UNCTAD, G-77, G-15 as well as bilateral Joint Commission between Indonesia and Tunisia, Venezuela, Cuba, Jamaica, Suriname, Chile and Argentina

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November 2006




3 September 1951 at Podgorica, Serbia and Montenegro


Married with 2 children


Masters in Political Science, International Relations

Ph.D, Faculty of Political Science, Sarajevo University

Teacher of Physical Training

Ph.D, Faculty of Sports and Physical Training, Sarajevo University

CAREER: 1976 - 1984 Teacher in Sarajevo

1984 - 1994 Holiday Inn Hotel, Head of Accommodation

Dec 1994 Special Advisor, Division for Bilateral Relations, MFA

Jun 1999 Counsellor, Division for Economic Multilateral Relations, MFA

Aug 2004 Minister-Counsellor, Head of Section for Economic Multilateral Relations and Reconstruction, Department for Multilateral Relations, MFA
(cont'd) Jun 2005 to date Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Indonesia

Jun 2006 Ambassador-designate of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Singapore, resident in Jakarta

30 Nov 2006 Ambassador of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Singapore, resident in Jakarta

LANGUAGES: Bosnian, English, Turkish, passive knowledge of French



Involved with scientific and athletic institutions, athletic clubs and magazines in Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad

President of the Wrestling Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina and country's representative and permanent member of the World's Wrestling Federation (FILA)

President of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Union of Physical Education Teachers

Formal representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the F.I.E.P (Federation Internationale d'Education Physique)

Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Olympic Committee

Member of the Athletic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Black belt in karate

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November 2006

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