Speech by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, at the dinner hosted in honour of the US President George W Bush and Mrs Laura Bush, 16 November 2006, at the Istana

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Singapore - $name

Your Excellency President George Bush and Mrs Laura Bush
Excellencies and distinguished guests
Ladies and Gentlemen

1. On behalf of the Singa­pore Government, my wife and I warmly welcome President and Laura Bush to Singapore. We remember your last visit in 2003, and are very happy to have you here again.

2. Singapore and the US are close friends and strategic partners. Our relationship is excellent and covers many areas, from trade to defence and counter-terrorism. The friendship has endured because it is rooted in shared interests and compatible international perspectives.

3. Mr President, we are glad that you have found the time to visit Southeast Asia, and have chosen Singapore to deliver your speech on America's priorities in the region. America continues to play a vital role in Asia's stability and prosperity. You have important interests here that needs to be nurtured, amidst your many other commitments worldwide. Singapore looks forward to greater US engagement in this part of the world, and I believe so do many other Southeast Asian countries.

4. On the security front, Singapore has made common cause with the US in combating the terrorist threat. The fight against terrorism is a long-term ideological struggle. The strength and resolve of the US, and especially of its Commander-in-Chief, is critical to sustaining this struggle, and prevailing in it. And in you, President Bush, America is fortunate to have a leader with the courage of conviction, and the tenacity to press ahead towards your objectives despite all difficulties. Your steadfast leadership has helped to anchor this effort to make the world a better and safer place for us all.

5. Ladies and gentlemen, may I now invite you to join me in a toast to the good health of President and Mrs Bush and to the enduring friendship between the United States and Singapore.

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