MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo's Visit to Nuremberg,Germany, 14 March 2007

At the margins of the 16th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in Nuremberg, Germany, Foreign Minister George Yeo met the Foreign Minister of Germany, Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier and the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Mr Carl Bildt, on 14 March 2007.

During Minister Yeo's discussion with Dr Steinmeier, they agreed that ASEAN and the EU shared common interests. They also felt that both sides should explore ways to take the relationship forward by, amongst other initiatives, working towards negotiating an ASEAN-EU FTA.

Minister Yeo and Mr Bildt had an interesting and wide-ranging discussion on issues relating to Asia and Europe. They noted that we share some common challenges and agreed that we should continue our dialogue on how Singapore and Sweden could work more closely together.

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15 MARCH 2007

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