MFA Spokesman’s Comments on Indonesian State Minister of Environment Mr Rachmat Witoelar’s comments quoted in Batam Pos on 7 March 2007

In response to media queries on a Batam Pos report (7 March 2007) which quoted Indonesian State Minister of Environment Rachmat Witoelar as saying that the Indonesian government will issue a regulation banning the export of "granite and materials" to Singapore, and that the proposed ban has been approved at the Cabinet level, the MFA Spokesman said:

"We are baffled. It is all rather perplexing. Just a week or so ago Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda and Trade Minister Mari Pangestu categorically told us that there was no ban on the export of granite. Now Minister Witoelar directly contradicts them. MFA will again have to ask the Indonesian Embassy to enlighten us. "

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9 MARCH 2007

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