MFA Press Statement: Text of Valedictory Message from PM Lee Hsien Loong to former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair

"It has been a pleasure working with you to strengthen ties between Singapore and Britain.

For the past decade, we in Singapore have followed with much admiration how you served not only your country and people, but also played a constructive role in world affairs. There is much that you can be proud of. You won three elections for the Labour Party, an unprecedented feat. Northern Ireland now has a real chance at viable peace. Your government has taken firm and decisive action against terrorism. Britain today is in a much stronger position than it was a decade ago, a fact recognised by the international community when London won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics.

Internationally, you provided leadership on critical issues ranging from extremist terrorism to climate change and poverty alleviation, especially in Africa. You made full use of Britain's influence in the United Nations, the G8 and the European Union to heighten global awareness of these issues. On Iraq, you bore criticisms with fortitude, and kept faith with your convictions of what was the right thing to do. My colleagues and I were deeply impressed by your unwavering resolve and leadership, even under severe pressure. History will surely vindicate the principled stand you have taken.

I look forward to you continuing to make contributions to Britain and the rest of the world, after you leave office. I have read of your intention to resign as the MP for Sedgefield, and to take up the appointment as the Quartet's Middle East envoy. I wish you all the best in this new and demanding role, and hope we will have a chance to meet again before too long."

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28 JUNE 2007

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