MFA Press Statement: Meeting between Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo and UN Secretary General's Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari on 29 October 2007

Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo met the UN Secretary General's Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari, who is currently in Singapore following the completion of his six-nation Asian consultation tour in aid of his mission to help bring national reconciliation and a peaceful solution to the situation in Myanmar.

Minister Yeo and Mr Gambari had a good exchange of views on the Myanmar situation and Mr Gambari's recent regional tour. They agreed on the importance of concerted international support for Mr Gambari's mission in Myanmar. Minister Yeo also shared with Mr Gambari his recent discussions on Myanmar with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Japanese Foreign Minister Masahiko Koumura in Beijing and Tokyo respectively. Minister Yeo reiterated Singapore's full support for Mr Gambari's continuing efforts at mediation to help the various parties in Myanmar work towards a genuine dialogue that will bring about national reconciliation.

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29 OCTOBER 2007

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