MFA Spokesman's Comments on the transit of UNSG Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari in Singapore

"UN Secretary General's Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari transited in Singapore this afternoon enroute to New Delhi from Jakarta. Mr Gambari is currently on his six-nation Asian consultation tour to find a peaceful solution to the situation in Myanmar before his return visit to Myanmar in November 2007.

During his transit in Singapore, Mr Gambari met officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The officials encouraged Mr Gambari to continue his consultations in the region and assured Mr Gambari that Singapore would continue to do all it could to support his efforts to promote national reconciliation and a political solution in Myanmar. They reiterated Singapore's concerns about the situation in Myanmar and hoped that the Myanmar authorities would extend their fullest cooperation to Mr Gambari by agreeing to his early return to Myanmar, by giving him access to the highest levels of the SPDC and the government, and by facilitating meetings for him with the widest possible range of other contacts, in particular Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, members of the National League for Democracy, the monks and members of the State Constitution Drafting Commission."

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21 OCTOBER 2007

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