MFA Press Release: Remarks by Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo as Guest of Honour at the Opening Ceremony of the 7th Thai Festival on 5 June 2008 at the Royal Thai Embassy in Singapore

Ambassador and Mrs Nopadol Gunavibool,


Dear Friends,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to join all of you this evening to celebrate this 7th Thai Festival in Singapore. This annual event is always well attended. It is fun, the food is always good and the durians are invariably an added attraction.

Our bilateral relations are very good and are on an upswing. Singapore's links with Thailand are broad based and long standing. Large numbers of Singaporeans visit Thailand every year and vice versa. Bilateral trade is very high and we are major investors in each other's country. Thai culture and Thai cuisine, have become a part of Singapore culture and Singapore cuisine.

Last year, we were very honoured to receive Her Royal Highness Princess Sirindhorn to Singapore. She spent a few days here, even performed for us and charmed everyone she met. Beyond bilateral relations, Thailand and Singapore work closely together on regional and international issues. We are both ardent supporters of a strong ASEAN. At the end of July, I will be handing over the Chairmanship of ASEAN to Thailand and at the end of this month, I will be going to Bangkok to launch the Civil Service Exchange Programme with my counterpart Foreign Minister Noppadon Pattama. So as you can see, it is a rich relationship which has great potential for the future. A relationship for which there is much to celebrate.

I thank Ambassador Nopadol for inviting me here this evening. Thank you.

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