MFA Press Statement: Call on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong by Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan, 22 July 2008

The Republic of Korea National Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan called on Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the Istana on 22 July 2008. Foreign Minister Yu and Mr Lee exchanged views on recent developments in Northeast Asia. Mr Lee welcomed the first informal meeting of the foreign ministers of the Six-Party Talks to be held in Singapore at the sidelines of the AMM Post Ministerial Conferences. Both Mr Yu and Mr Lee also affirmed the close ties between the two countries and agreed that this could be a catalyst to further strengthen ASEAN-ROK relations.

Foreign Minister Yu is in Singapore at the invitation of Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo. While in Singapore, he will also attend meetings held in conjunction with the AMM including the 15th ARF from 22-24 July 2008.

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22 JULY 2008

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