MFA Press Statement: Passing of Dr Ong Chit Chung, Member of Parliament, Jurong GRC

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is saddened by the news of the sudden passing of Dr Ong Chit Chung, Member of Parliament of the Jurong GRC, on the morning of 14 July 2008. Dr Ong was 59 years old. Dr Ong was the former Chairman for the Government Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs, as well as for Defence and Education.

Upon hearing the news of Dr Ong's death, Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo expressed regret and offered his condolences to Dr Ong's family. Minister Yeo said: "On behalf of the MFA family, I extend to the family of Dr Ong Chit Chung our deepest condolences. We are filled with sadness by the suddenness of his departure.

"Over the years, Chit Chung took a close interest in foreign affairs and was always helpful to diplomats and ministry officials. At a personal level, I knew him from SAF days when he lectured Military History. We entered politics together twenty years ago in 1988, never expecting when we did that we would be serving so many years. I treasured his friendship and his advice as a friend and a colleague."

Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zainul Abidin Rasheed also remembered Dr Ong as a close personal friend, as well as a good friend of MFA with a keen interest in Singapore's relations with its neighbours and International Relations.

SMS Zainul said: "I will always remember Chit Chung as a close friend that cares, inside and outside Parliament. Always with a smile, he was one of the Senior MPs who showed tremendous friendship and care. He helped me to settle in as an MP and as Senior Parliamentary Secretary when I was first appointed to MFA, reminding me to try achieve a good balance between work, the ground and family. I loved to personally send him Malay 'lapis' cake and pineapple tarts for Chinese New Year; he sent me flowers every Hari Raya. With Deep and Heartfelt Condolences, we will miss Dr Ong Chit Chung.

SMS Zainul added, "as a member of the GPC for Foreign Affairs and Defence, he showed concern for our relations with our immediate neighbours and paid close attention to the changing landscape of international and security relations that have impact on Singapore."

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14 JULY 2008

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