MFA Spokesman's Comments on the Myanmar Government's invitation for UN Secretary-General (UNSG) Special Advisor Professor Ibrahim Gambari to visit Myanmar in August 2008

Commenting on the Myanmar Government's invitation for UN Secretary-General (UNSG) Special Advisor Professor Ibrahim Gambari to visit Myanmar in August 2008 the MFA Spokeman said:

"Singapore welcomes the Myanmar government's decision to invite UNSG Special Advisor Professor Ibrahim Gambari to visit Myanmar again in August 2008. It is important for Professor Gambari to continue his work in helping Myanmar's efforts towards national reconciliation. We continue to strongly support the Secretary-General's Good Offices mission and Professor Gambari's visits to Myanmar. We hope the Myanmar authorities will extend their fullest cooperation to Professor Gambari by giving him access to the highest levels of the SPDC and the government, and by facilitating meetings for him with the widest possible range of other contacts, including Daw Aung San Suu Kyi."

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16 JULY 2008

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