MFA Press Statement: Visit by Deputy Prime Minister and Coordinating Minister for National Security S Jayakumar to Jakarta, Indonesia, for the remembrance dinner in honour of the late Ali Alatas, 12 - 13 January 2009

Indonesia held a remembrance dinner to honour the life and work of the late Ali Alatas (former Foreign Minister of Indonesia). Deputy Prime Minister Jayakumar, who had worked closely with Ali Alatas when they were both foreign ministers, was invited as keynote speaker at the event held in Jakarta on Monday 12 January 2009.

At the event attended by Indonesian Cabinet ministers and other dignitaries, Professor Jayakumar paid tribute to Ali Alatas for his outstanding contributions to the bilateral relationship between Singapore and Indonesia. Even during times when things were not easy, "Pak Ali's steady hand always kept relations on an even keel". He also acknowledged Alatas' role and important contributions to strengthening ASEAN and regional cooperation. Professor Jayakumar said that he has "lost a close colleague, an esteemed counterpart and a dear friend of many years".

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12 JANUARY 2009

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