MFA Press Statement: Visit by Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo to Switzerland and Liechtenstein 24-31 January 2010

29 January 2010

On 28 January 2010, Minister George Yeo participated as a panel speaker for the World Economic Forum (WEF) Plenary Session entitled "State Leadership: An Opportunity for Global Action". Minister Yeo also met with US Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economic Affairs Michael Froman and Brazilian Minister of Foreign Relations Celso Amorim.

On 29 January 2010, Minister Yeo met with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director-General Yukiya Amano. Minister Yeo also met with Austrian Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Dr Michael Spindelegger. Both Ministers reaffirmed the good state of bilateral relations, and discussed our cooperation on the Global Governance Group (3G). Minister Yeo also attended an Informal Gathering of World Leaders (IGWEL) lunch, where he engaged in discussions on how to strengthen the international system.

Minister Yeo will be meeting with WEF Executive Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab as well as other business leaders in the afternoon of 29 January 2010. He will be participating as a panel member on the WEF Plenary Session entitled "Towards an East Asian Community" on 30 January 2010 before proceeding to Liechtenstein for an official visit.


29 JANUARY 2010

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