MFA Press Statement: Call on Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo by Mr Githu Muigai, UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance

28 April 2010

Mr Githu Muigai, the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, called on Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday, 28 April 2010.

Minister Yeo had good discussions with Mr Muigai about the historical context of Singapore's ethnic relations and the government's efforts to promote equal opportunities for all, regardless of race and religion. Mr Muigai who is wrapping up his weeklong visit to Singapore, thanked Minister Yeo for the Government's efforts in arranging a comprehensive programme for him. Mr Muigai expressed satisfaction with his meetings and said he came away with a better understanding of the society, the challenges and potentials. Mr Muigai informed Minister Yeo that he will be presenting his report on the visit to the UN Human Rights Council.

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28 APRIL 2010

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