MFA Spokesman's comments in response to a report on two Singaporeans incarcerated for drug offences in Argentina

"The New Paper (Tuesday 6 April 2010) carried a report of two Singaporeans incarcerated for drug offences in Argentina.

MFA has been in contact with both Singaporeans since their incarceration was brought to our notice by our Honorary Consul-General (HCG) in Buenos Aires. Both Singaporeans have the email and telephone contact details of the relevant MFA officers, and representatives of our HCG's office have also visited them.

Once the date of release of the Singaporean referred to by The New Paper as "Anna" and the length of time that will be taken by Argentine authorities to process her repatriation is confirmed, she will have no difficulty returning to Singapore should she choose to do so because, as she herself is aware, her passport is still valid.

"Anna" had herself told MFA that her passport continues to be valid and is with the Argentine authorities. Our Immigration and Checkpoints Authority has confirmed the validity of her passport.

It is international practice for passports of foreign prisoners to be returned to them upon release so that they can be repatriated to their country of origin. If a Singaporean overseas is not in possession of a travel document, MFA, upon verification of the individual's citizenship status, will issue a Document of Identity for travel back to Singapore.

The other Singaporean incarcerated in Argentina is not yet due for release and the question of her return to Singapore does not yet arise.

MFA will continue to render assistance to both Singaporeans."

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6 APRIL 2010

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