MFA Spokesman's comments in response to media queries on the series of bomb blasts in Bangkok

In response to media queries on the series of bomb blasts in Bangkok, the MFA Spokesman said:

"We are deeply concerned by the bomb blasts which have resulted in many casualties. We hope that all Thais, irrespective of their political views, will set aside their differences in the overall interests of Thailand, eschew violence, and seek a peaceful, amicable and durable resolution. This is crucial not just for Thailand, but for ASEAN as a whole.

We would also like to remind Singaporeans that the 10 April 2010 statement advising Singaporeans against non-essential travel to Bangkok remains. Singaporeans who are already in Bangkok are strongly advised to remain indoors as far as possible and avoid unnecessary travel within the city, in particular to avoid the areas where demonstrations are occurring. They should be on personal alert and monitor the news closely. They should also take the necessary precautions for their personal safety. Singaporeans who are already in Bangkok should eRegister immediately if not already done so at This will enable the Ministry and our Embassy in Bangkok to contact them and render the necessary consular assistance in case of emergencies.

MFA and our Embassy in Bangkok continue to closely monitor the situation.

Should Singaporeans require assistance, they can contact the Singapore Embassy in Bangkok or the MFA Duty Officer (24-hours) at:

Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
129 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120
Tel: 001-66-(81) 844-3580 / 001-66-(2) 286-2111
Fax: 001-66-(2) 286-6966

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: 6379 8800, 6379 8855
Fax: 6476-7302
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23 APRIL 2010

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