MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo at the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 21 September 2010

22 September 2010

Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo, who is in New York from 21 - 30 September 2010 for the 65th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, met Saudi Foreign Minister His Royal Highness (HRH) Prince Saud Al-Faisal bin Abulaziz Al Saud on 21 September 2010. Both Ministers had an extensive discussion on regional issues, including developments in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

Minister George Yeo also met Rwandan Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo. Minister Mushikiwabo briefed Minister Yeo on the developments in Rwanda. Both Ministers reaffirmed the good relations between Singapore and Rwanda, and discussed ways to further bilateral cooperation. Minister Yeo also invited Minister Mushikiwabo to visit Singapore.

Minister Yeo also had a meeting with Secretary General of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP Group) Dr Mohamed Ibn Chambas. Minister Yeo and Dr Chambas had a wide-ranging discussion on developments in Africa. They also explored avenues for greater cooperation between Singapore and the ACP Group.

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