MFA Press Statement: Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo at the 65th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, 25 September 2010

26 September 2010

Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo, who is in New York for the 65th Session of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, met President of the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly Dr Joseph Deiss on 25 September 2010. Minister Yeo also met his counterparts from Canada, Kosovo, the Republic of Korea (ROK), South Africa and Ukraine.

Minister Yeo and Dr Deiss discussed global governance issues, including the roles of the UN and G-20. They also talked about the contribution the Global Governance Group (3G) can make. Singapore is a member of the 3G.

Kosovar Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni briefed Minister Yeo on the developments in Kosovo, in particular the International Court of Justice's advisory opinion that Kosovo's Unilateral Declaration of Independence did not violate international law.

Minister Yeo thanked ROK Acting Foreign Minister Shin Kak-Soo for the ROK's invitation for Singapore to participate in the G-20 Summit in Seoul in November 2010.

Minister Yeo and South African Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane discussed developments in South Africa and South Sudan.

In addition, Minister Yeo attended the Ministerial Consultations on Climate Change in the morning of 25 September 2010. He also attended the Ministerial Meeting of the Green Group, and the ASEAN Foreign Ministers' meeting with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Dr Deiss on 24 September 2010.

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