MFA Press Statement: Visit by Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo to Jakarta, Indonesia, for the Informal ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting on 22 February 2011

22 February 2011

Minister for Foreign Affairs George Yeo attended the Informal ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting hosted by Indonesia, as ASEAN Chair, in Jakarta, on 22 February 2011.

The meeting was held in a positive mood and the Foreign Ministers discussed a range of regional and international issues. In particular, they heard updates from Cambodia and Thailand on the situation at the border. The Foreign Ministers reiterated their call for both parties to exercise restraint in search of an amicable resolution, in the spirit of ASEAN solidarity and good neighbourliness. In this regard, the Foreign Ministers welcomed Thailand and Cambodia's commitment to avoid further armed clashes.

The Foreign Ministers acknowledged that ASEAN could play a constructive role in maintaining regional peace and stability. They welcomed the invitation by Cambodia and Thailand for Indonesia, current ASEAN Chair, to assign observers to the affected areas of the Cambodia-Thailand border.

Singapore welcomes and supports the ASEAN Chair's efforts in facilitating a conducive environment for the resumption of negotiations between Cambodia and Thailand, in the broader interest of ASEAN.

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22 FEBRUARY 2011

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